I don't know what you think (and I would like to), but I am rather sceptical about all this doomsayer talk about global warming and climate change.
I have been on this planet for over forty years, and I recall when my part of the world had the textbook sub-tropical climate. I walked to and from school in the rain in January and February. Until a decade or so ago the thunderstorm season was pretty predictable - October/ November every year. Summers were warm and winters were cool enough to need a jumper for weeks. Cyclones occurred along the Queensland coast nearly every summer. The dams were full. Dam water was released periodically to avoid flooding overflows.
In recent years the dams nearly emptied. Household rainwater tanks which were once banned by local councils have now become a must-have accessory for all new houses and many established ones. Cyclones on the Queensland coast still occur, but much less frequently. I can't remember the last time I had to walk through rain in my home town. I can't even remember where my umbrella is.
Things HAVE changed. But is this short term? Is it just a minor cyclical change in the greater scheme of things and in the history of this planet? If not, what IS the cause?
The popular media would have us believe that this is due to human beings burning fossil fuels which have released carbon in the form of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This in turn has changed the atmosphere and made the planet warmer. Warmer temperatures have changed the cycle of evaporation and precipitation. Droughts have become more extensive. The polar ice caps are melting and the ozone layer in the atmosphere is thinning to the extent that there are holes in the ozone layer at both poles.
Although I have observed some of these things myself, I am sceptical about whether these are recent phenomena, they are long term events, and whether they are totally influenced by man.
Don't get me wrong. I AM concerned about the ecological balance of this planet. I would even say I am a tree-hugger. It is BECAUSE I am concerned about the planet and the beauty and diversity of life on this planet that I believe that we need to ensure that mankind truly understands what is happening, whether it is a long term or short term event, and what is causing it.
Please add comments or email posts to me to add to this blog. It is through ordinary people who care that real and positive change occurs.
So - let's chat!
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